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From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego
Alpencross 2007

since May 2006  

2007-12-19 From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego - Chile II
Updated: 2008-01-04   PHOTOS

Coihaique - Chile Chico 11. - 13.Dez. 2007

With icy wind Coihaique, and we left the cold rain forest.
About an approximately 1500m high pass, flanked by vergletscherten mountains, we reached the sleepy nest Cerro Villa, where we start at a very low slope, heading west along the Rio Tranquilo continue.
More and more or less along the river went through it again lonely woods, and we reached the lake zweitgroessten South America, Chile and Argentina share.
The Chileans call it Lago General Carrera, the Argentine Lake Buenos Aires.

The runway fuert now along the north shore and in the settlement of El Maiten, at the narrowest point of the lake, we ueberquerten on a bridge here just 100m wide water.
On the South side of anyway not very wide but very long lake is not quite as cold and not as windy and the Carretera Austral, we have to leave this place now and go further along the lake toward the northeast.

The coast here is very steep slope and into the rock hewn.

Ploetzlich listen to the forest and it is within a few kilometers suddenly more than warm, even hot enough and the area wuestenartig.

There is a micro-climate and a last time we camp on Lake General Carrera.
We just sit in the T-shirt on the beach and enjoy the sun and the warmth and can not believe that we are still with thermostat lower laundry and thick sweater under the jacket on the motorcycle.

The next day we left this place, with its pleasant microclimate and Chile Chico ueberquerten we have another look at the border with Argentina.

KM: 61,128