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From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego
Alpencross 2007

since May 2006  

2008-01-18 From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego - Argentinien IV
Updated: 2008-01-19   PHOTOS

Rio Grande - Viedma 4. - 18. Jan. 2008

We spent four days in Rio Grande in Hostal Argentino. It stuermte all the time and it was bitterly cold
In no other Stsdt However, we had so many shops with bathing seen as a fashion here.
We asked ourselves who will probably buy?

No sooner had we left the city we were already ungeschuetzt exposed to the wind, against us with all our strength against stemmten. Soon hurt neck and arms. Often we had to do in the third gear hinunterschalten because we Rtg. Northwest and the wind drove schraeg came from the front.

In San Sebastian ueberquerten the Chilean border on the part of Terra del Fuego, and from here it was again Rtg runway. North and the wind completely from the side. At points where the gravel was very loose, we were side weggeschoben and had always left entirely to a few meters leeway.
A vollbepackter cyclists came forward.
He had to push the wheel and the wind pulled it repeatedly from the hands.
Where to stay was impossible for us and we drove and drove and drove ...
Guanacos crossed the road and on the huge Weideflaechen are thousands of sheep, which at that time all be shorn.

In Cerro Sombrero, a small place where you do not even want to be buried, we found a halfway windgeschuetztes Plaetzchen for our tent at the campsite Municipal, which also has seen better times. There was no water and the toilet's been zugesch ....

With a ferry, we left the next day, the Isla Grande del Terra del Fuego on the Estrecho de Magallanes and were back on the mainland.

In Punta del Gada we brought new tyres for the motorbike in a small restaurant, which Horacio Riders of Patagonia there for us and were deposited had little later on the border with Argentina.

It is now closing in Argentina and in much of the border operation.

Rio Galegos reached shortly before a thunderstorm pechschwarzen Front, the clouds were breaking at a gas station, and made us wait until then to the search for the camp, which is here in the vicinity of the bus terminal type.
After some back and forth hergekurve then we found a small sign with the words "Camp" and drove into a backyard eigendlich the only site with a lot Muell.
We thought that it is probably the wrong entrance must have been, but there was a man of thought there was already a campsite but only halt emerging and there are no toilets but we may have to stay where we want.
Only courtesy we then asked what it would probably cost, and he said $ 20, what we initially thought for a joke, for US $ 20 for it is here in a great hotel. As it turns out, that he is really serious about adopted, we will err on the poor ...
A little later we found the place we eigendlich searched. We were already three times to pass, and this time the people waved us out, as we had already seen.
It is a cosy, little campsite with trees and even green lawns, an oasis in a not very welcoming environment for a reasonable price.

Since it tires to go too early, we sent them with the bus heading north, so we do not have to inherit.

The Route 3 verlaeuft now Rtg. Northeast.
Although it is always just ahead, we in extreme Schraeglage.
We now have the wind schraeh from behind, and sometimes he lifts the motorcycle properly and pushes us over the Asfalt.
Unfortunately, only very rarely, we Rtg. East. Then we Rueckenwind we not spueren and he pushes us forward.
We take about 100 km / h and when we open the helmet spueren we have no wind.

To see it on the Route 3 is not very much, but dafuer far.
Flat, tree and strauchlos, deserted.
The distances between towns are 300 - 400 km and is nothing in between.

A slope towards the west brings us to the Monumento Natural Petrificados Bosques.
170 million-year-old petrified tree giant lie in a bizarre Wuestenlandschaft.
Admission to the park is free, but it will take hoellisch that no souvenirs taken away.

Further north, we visited again Sarmiento petrified trees that are much smaller and "only" 70 million years old.
These are embedded in the sandstone and through the rain, the soft rock wegspuelt uncovered. The ground is uebersaeht with Holzsplittern and it looks as haette here recently chopped wood, but everything is made of stone.

The road leads through Erdoelfelder and pumps are everywhere in the landscape.
Most oil is sold abroad and how now in the peak travel time, it is often too Engpaessen in the fuel supply and travelers must often hours or even days at the petrol filling stations to wait. We had until now always be enough fuel, as we refuel at every opportunity, there is so much anyway, and so never on the "dry" gas stations were instructed. A half hour Anstehzeit though, mostly in sales.

For electricity generation, in every city huge diesel aggregates.
The significant gas reserves in the country wasted unused and Argentina expensive buys gas from Chile.
When asked why Argentina is not in the wind to generate electricity use once a man very veraergert: "Porque politicos son los hijos de puta!"

In Puerto Madryn, a resort west of the Peninsula Valdez, we brought our bus tires, and as the old by the andauernte Schraegfahrerei still usable, we sent the New again a lot to the north.

It has now become significantly waermer and here we spuert once that it is summer.
The campsite was knallvoll and we had to, or rather, the tent was set up at the entrance and then the next day to a "right" place uebersiedeln.
In the evening we went the first time in a Tenedor Libre eat. Did we make for a long time, but has somehow never been revealed.
This is a restaurant where you pay a fixed price and then can pick from the buffet as often you want, or is in a position to eat.
So we met again a few delicacies know and the One more and the other less love.

Before the camp, we met Adrian and Vanessa from Argentina, whose Honda Transalp are, and got no more room. We offered them for us to camp, which they gladly accepted.
Together we went to the Valdez Peninsula.

As everywhere in Argentina and Chile have also foreigners here often more than 3 times as high admission price in the national parks as the locals pay, and also Adrians attempt by us as locals to bring the control failed.

Seeloewen and sea elephants, we visited Punta Norte on the peninsula, here with a lot of noise and Gezanke spend the summer and raise their young.
Orkas could no peer, and for sowiso whales, it is too late, they are only in the winter here.
Still, we looked briefly at a Pinguinkollonie over and then drove back to Puerto Madryn.
During flood, the beach is only a few metres wide at low tide and must be about 50 meters to go to the water.

Next it was on the Route 3 north.
The wind is schwaecher, but still maintained praesent, and the country dry.

The Viedma nice city on the Rio Negro is 30 km from the sea and the only way just above sea level that the water level of the river changes with the tides.
Here, we let the steering head bearing the 650er change in the workshop, we met Oscar, which every year a motorcycle Traveler-hit near the city.
We were cutting cakes and tea invited and met his wife Nancy and daughters Camilla and Florencia.

Without Mate tea goes into Argentinein nothing. People drink it continuously and at every gas station, there is hot water to the thermos jug aufzufuellen then from the water in the small wooden cups, in which the herb is nachgeschenkt and with a special straw metal drinking
What substances in the plant are, we have not yet found out, but if it is not used, as we, then a very strange ...

We drove with Oscar and Nancy after el Condor, where the sea beach a concert apparently a well-known Argentine rock band took place.
Approx. 20,000 people came up with the whim of wind that a steadily up the sand in the last angle of the body pushes not spoil and enjoyed a free event.

El Condor is a very populaerer resort, but we are at gefaellt Camping Municipal in Viedma much better, porque es mas tranquil ...

KM: 67,624